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3 Foods that Fight Memory Loss

Are you concerned about cognitive decline? Alzheimer’s disease is caused by too much sugar in the brain. We become obese when we consume too much sugar and don’t eat enough fat. Inflammation is caused by diabetes, which creates a vicious cycle that causes mess in the brain. An autopsy of an Alzheimer’s patient’s brain would reveal a brain on fire. With every chronic disease, inflammation occurs over and over again, and with the aging brain and overall aging process it becomes more pronounced.

You can prevent dementia and even lower your “brain age” by eating the right foods. There are even best foods for dementia patients to eat. The good news is you can reverse dementia naturally.

Can you reverse dementia naturally?

You can reverse dementia naturally with simple lifestyle and dietary changes. Keeping the body healthy and strong requires proper nutrition. Poor nutrition may lead to behavioral symptoms and weight loss in people with Alzheimer’s or dementia. You, too, can benefit from the basic nutrition tips below if you are a caregiver for someone with dementia.

Best foods for dementia patients to eat

Dementia and cognitive decline can be reversed by controlling your insulin and blood sugar levels. You can overcome diabetes, balance your mood, improve your focus, boost your energy level, and prevent age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease too.

Alzheimer’s patients may find it difficult to eat regularly and nutritiously. When there are too many food choices, they may forget to eat or think they have eaten already.

Food that fight memory loss

Saturated and trans fats may be the food villains, while mono- and polyunsaturated fats may be the heroes. There has been a link between the Mediterranean diet and lower rates of Alzheimer’s disease as well as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is a stage of memory loss that often precedes dementia because it contains foods that are high in unsaturated fats (olive oil, fish, and nuts). There are several components of the Mediterranean diet that may promote brain health:

The MIND Diet

It prevents or slows brain aging. In early studies, it has been shown to reduce Alzheimer’s risk by 53% in those who follow it closely and by 35% in those who follow it less closely. The recommendation, originally developed for healthy older adults, was expanded to also include stroke-affected octogenarians in 2018.

• The consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and olive oil improves the health of blood vessels, which reduces the risk of memory-damaging strokes. • Omega-3 fatty acids in fish lead to lower levels of beta-amyloid proteins in the blood and improved vascular health.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels rise with moderate alcohol consumption. Also, alcohol lowers the resistance of our cells to insulin, allowing it to lower blood sugar more effectively. Dementia has been linked to insulin resistance.

Protein and snacks

Beans should be eaten every other day, poultry twice a week, and fish once a week, according to the diet. You could also make bean-and-turkey chili for a few days. Protein and low saturated fat make all of these foods good for your overall health as well as your brain.

Keeping your brain healthy is made easier with nuts and berries, both of which are ideal snacks. In particular, blueberries and strawberries help keep your brain healthy and may slow Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Vegetables and Grains

Each day, you should eat a salad, one other vegetable, and three servings of whole grains. The best vegetables are collard greens, kale, and spinach. There has been little research on brain function and grains, but part of the science behind the MIND diet may include how the foods work together. Why it works so well is still a mystery to researchers.

Sample Mediterranean diet

Breakfast: • Fresh berries and almonds with whole-grain muesli • . Blueberry-topped Greek yogurt Lunch: • Salad with grilled chicken or • Pita bread with 2 tablespoons of hummus. Dinner: • Salmon roasted with tomato-olive tapenade, spinach sautéed with pine nuts and raisins, or poached pears • Asparagus and grilled chicken with garlic and lemon

Is Food able to preserve memories?

Even though certain foods appear to protect memory, our experts say research on the subject is still too preliminary to recommend any specific memory-enhancing foods. However, doctors are finding that what’s good for the heart may also be good for the brain. By following a heart-healthy diet, you might just be protecting your mind as well. Many cardiovascular risk factors have been linked to dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease dementia.

Eating a heart-healthy diet low in saturated fat reduces your risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, all of which contribute to memory loss. We can make lifestyle choices that support our physical, emotional, and cognitive health. By making healthy choices now, through proper diet and exercise, you can feed your body, spirit, and brain optimally.

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