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In-Patient Rounding

NeuroX offers comprehensive in-patient rounding services to ensure that neurological patients receive the highest quality of care. Our experienced Neurologists work with hospital staff to ensure that medical issues and other concerns are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. 


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In-Patient Rounding
Improved Care Matrices
Reduced Costs
Improved Clinical Outcomes

NeuroX is a leading provider of in-patient telerounding services for hospitals and senior living facilities. The company's services allow facilities to save on the cost of having a full-time neurologist on staff and on hospitalization and logistical costs to transport patients to a neurologist's office. In addition, NeuroX telerounding services have been shown to improve clinical outcomes and better population health.


Here are some of the benefits of using NeuroX telerounding services:

  • Cost savings: NeuroX telerounding services can save facilities up to 50% on the cost of having a full-time neurologist on staff. This is because NeuroX neurologists can see more patients in a shorter amount of time, thanks to the use of telehealth technology.

  • Improved clinical outcomes: NeuroX telerounding services have been shown to improve clinical outcomes for patients with neurological conditions. This is because NeuroX neurologists can provide timely and accurate diagnoses and treatment recommendations, even when patients are located in rural or underserved areas.

  • Better population health: NeuroX telerounding services can help to improve population health by providing access to specialized neurological care to patients who would otherwise not have it. This is especially important for patients with chronic neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.


Suppose you are a hospital or senior living facility looking for a cost-effective and clinically proven way to improve neurological care for your patients. In that case, NeuroX telerounding services may be the right solution for you. To learn more, visit the NeuroX website or contact a NeuroX representative today.


Here are some additional details about NeuroX telerounding services:

  • NeuroX neurologists are board-certified and have extensive experience in providing in-patient neurological care.

  • NeuroX telerounding services are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • NeuroX neurologists use the latest telehealth technology to provide high-quality care to patients.

  • NeuroX telerounding services are covered by most insurance plans.


If you have questions about NeuroX telerounding services, please get in touch with us today.

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