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March 2023

NeuroX powered NHS wins achievement award at International Stroke Conference

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For providing outstanding patient care within the community, Northeastern Health System (NHS) was recently awarded the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get With The Guidelines Stroke - Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award at the International Stroke Conference.


This prestigious award, which represents the highest level of recognition, is based on consistent quality measure compliance, performance improvement, and excellent patient outcomes. It acknowledges the hospital's dedication to ensuring that stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment.


"Achieving stroke certification is a rigorous process," said Jim Berry, NHS CEO. "Jennifer Russell, along with the hospital staff and leadership, have dedicated immense effort into enhancing and measuring stroke care starting from the Emergency Department and continuing throughout the patients' recovery. Tahlequah is a safer community because of their efforts. This award is a testament to their hard work."


Since 2020, NHS has partnered with NeuroX to provide neurology services. NeuroX, launched by American Telephysicians, offers direct-to-patient services and specialty care support through online consultations with neurologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists using its telemedicine EMR platform, SmartClinix. The clinic specializes in diseases such as epilepsy, migraine, autism, and dementia.


"Stroke Certification through DNV Healthcare allows us to establish a consistent approach to care standards, reducing variation and minimizing the risk of error," said Jennifer Russell, RN, NHS senior director of critical care and stroke services. "We are demonstrating a higher standard of clinical services to our community, enhancing their confidence in the quality of care we provide."


NHS treats patients from entering the emergency department, throughout their inpatient stay, and during follow-up appointments at the on-site NeuroX clinic.


Russell, with nearly 15 years of experience in stroke patient care, noted that the stroke team, including bedside staff, hospitalists, ancillary staff, NeuroX, and stroke coordinators, meets achievement measures through an extensive review of order sets, policies, procedures, and patient records.


According to the CDC, more than 795,000 people suffer strokes annually in the United States, with approximately 87% being ischemic strokes caused by interrupted or reduced blood supply to the brain.


Strokes can occur at any age. In Oklahoma, data shows that 62.2% of patients will have a stroke. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, sickle cell disease, tobacco use, poor diet, physical inactivity, and high salt intake.


Recognizing stroke symptoms is crucial. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association use the B.E.F.A.S.T. acronym: Balance (sudden loss of balance or dizziness), Eyes (vision loss or sudden changes), Face (uneven smile or severe headache), Arm (weakness or numbness), Speech (slurred speech or confusion), and Time (call 911 immediately).

Sept 2020

STRATUS to be the preferred EEG provider for NeuroX online neurology healthcare system

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JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Sept. 29, 2020 - American TelePhysicians, a global leader in telemedicine and digital healthcare with a mission to build online healthcare ecosystems, today announced they have launched their first online specialty care ecosystem, NeuroX. NeuroX offers direct-to-patient services, specialty care support for senior living facilities, inpatient consultations for healthcare facilities, and second opinion services for complex cases. NeuroX will launch its service in Florida with plans to expand to other states soon.


NeuroX brings care to our patients' doorsteps. NeuroX provides online consultations with Neurologists, Psychologists, and Psychiatrists, using its own telemedicine EMR platform, SmartClinix. The NeuroX clinic focuses on specialty care for diseases such as epilepsy, migraine, autism and dementia. NeuroX also facilitates the scheduling of diagnostics and treatment services at very affordable rates (including labs, radiology, and home EEG, delivery of medications, and infusions). Patients receive quality, continuous healthcare with access to the specialists they critically need.


During today's NeuroX launch, Dr. Waqas Ahmed, founder and CEO of American TelePhysicians, notes, "Chronic care management requires a close follow-up with specialist physicians as well as frequent ancillary services. Having specialist access is quite difficult in both rural and metropolitan areas, especially in senior living facilities. Moreover, for patients without insurance, specialty care is even more challenging. That is where a telemedicine and online healthcare ecosystem model can be very helpful. We're working diligently to make healthcare more affordable and accessible and today's launch is just another big step towards our mission!"


Dr. Muhammad Farooq, Medical Director of NeuroX and a leading stroke specialist, concurs, "Stroke patients are a great example of patients who need ongoing care. Follow-up consultations with a Neurologist after discharge from the hospital, as well as a Psychologist or Psychiatrist, reduces the odds of a second stroke and related complications. We can save lives by putting our NeuroX clinic to work."


Providers interested in joining NeuroX should visit the NeuroX website and follow the instructions for applying, or reach out to Dr. Farooq. Contact Sherri Johnson if you would like to learn more about American TelePhysicians and their telemedicine projects.


About American TelePhysicians

American TelePhysicians is a Jacksonville-based digital healthcare company founded in 2017 by a team of physicians and IT professionals under the leadership of Waqas Ahmed, MD FACP. With operations in the US, Asia, and Australia, our vision is to transform the global healthcare industry by creating awareness of healthcare options and to make healthcare affordable and accessible to patients everywhere. American TelePhysicians is doing this through its various projects, including SmartClinix, CURA4U, SHIFA4U, and, most recently, NeuroX.

July 2020

ATP incubator launches NeuroX, a direct-to-patient, virtual brain health provider 

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Jacksonville, FL – July 2020 – American TelePhysicians, a leading digital healthcare innovator, today announced the launch of NeuroX, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to improving brain health. NeuroX leverages telemedicine technology to connect patients across the United States with renowned neurologists, offering exceptional care at accessible prices.


“Millions of Americans struggle with neurological conditions, yet access to top-tier specialists remains a significant hurdle,” says Dr. Waqas Ahmed, MD FACP, CEO of American TelePhysicians. “NeuroX shatters those barriers by bringing the expertise of the nation's leading neurologists directly to patients, regardless of location.”


The Power of Telemedicine for Brain Health

NeuroX empowers patients with convenient and secure virtual consultations with highly qualified neurologists. This eliminates geographical limitations and allows for earlier diagnoses, improved treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring—all from the comfort and privacy of a patient's home.


“Telemedicine offers a tremendous opportunity to transform brain healthcare,” explains Muhammad U Farooq, MD, FAHA, FACP, RPNI, co-founder and Chief of Neurology Services at NeuroX. “We can significantly improve patient access to critical neurological care by eliminating travel time and offering flexible scheduling.”


Affordable Excellence in Neurocare

NeuroX recognizes the financial burden associated with neurological conditions. The program is designed to be cost-effective, offering patients significant savings compared to traditional in-person consultations. This ensures that financial constraints don't impede access to vital brain health services.


A Brighter Future for Brain Health

The launch of NeuroX marks a significant step forward in democratizing access to high-quality neurological care. By leveraging technology and a network of top specialists, NeuroX empowers patients to take control of their brain health and pursue a brighter future.


About American TelePhysicians

American TelePhysicians is a pioneering digital healthcare company dedicated to transforming the industry through innovative solutions. The company’s mission is to create accessible, affordable, personalized healthcare experiences for patients worldwide.

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