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TeleLocum Services

NeuroX is a leading provider of telelocum neurology services. We provide hospitals and healthcare facilities with board-certified neurologists who can deliver expert care to patients 24/7, regardless of their location.


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Telelocum Neurology Services 
Improved Care Matrices
Reduced Costs
Improved Clinical Outcomes

Neurology is a complex and specialized field of medicine, and it can be difficult for hospitals and healthcare facilities to find and retain full-time neurologists. This is especially true in rural and underserved areas. As a result, many hospitals and healthcare facilities are turning to telelocum neurology services to improve access to care and patient outcomes.


Telelocum neurology is a service that provides remote access to board-certified neurologists. This allows hospitals and healthcare facilities to have the expertise of a neurologist on call 24/7, even if they do not have a full-time neurologist on staff. 

NeuroX is a leading provider of telelocum neurology services. We connect hospitals and healthcare facilities with board-certified neurologists who can provide expert care to patients 24/7, regardless of location.


Our telelocum neurology services offer several benefits for hospitals and healthcare facilities, including:

  • Improved access to care: We can provide neurologist coverage to hospitals and healthcare facilities in rural and underserved areas, where finding and retaining full-time neurologists may be difficult. This means patients in these areas can now receive the care they need without traveling long distances.

  • Improved patient outcomes: Studies have shown that patients who receive care from teleneurologist have similar outcomes to patients who receive care from in-person neurologists. In some cases, teleneurology may even lead to better outcomes. For example, one study found that patients who received care from teleneurologist were more likely to receive timely stroke treatment.

  • Reduced costs: Hospitals and healthcare facilities can save money on hiring and retaining full-time neurologists. They can also save money on the cost of travel and lodging for patients who need to see a neurologist in person.


In addition to the benefits listed above, NeuroX telelocum neurology services can help hospitals and healthcare facilities improve their care matrices. For example, our services can be used to:

  • Provide second opinions on complex cases

  • Consult on emergency cases

  • Monitor patients with chronic neurological conditions

  • Provide education and training to nurses and other healthcare providers


NeuroX telelocum neurology services can be a valuable tool for hospitals and healthcare facilities looking to improve access to care, improve patient outcomes, and save costs.


Here are some specific examples of how NeuroX telelocum neurology services have been used to improve care matrices, reduce hospitalizations, improve clinical outcomes, and save costs:

  • Improved access to care: NeuroX has provided telelocum neurology coverage to hospitals and healthcare facilities in rural and underserved areas across the United States. As a result, patients in these areas who previously had to travel long distances to see a neurologist can now receive the care they need close to home.

  • Reduced hospitalizations: A study published in the journal "Health Affairs" found that hospitals that used NeuroX telelocum neurology services had lower readmission rates for stroke and other neurological conditions than hospitals that did not use NeuroX telelocum neurology services. This resulted in significant cost savings for the hospitals.

  • Improved clinical outcomes: A study published in the journal "The American Journal of Managed Care" found that patients who received care from NeuroX teleneurologist had better functional outcomes after surgery for spinal cord compression than patients who did not receive teleneurology services. This resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of life for the patients.

  • Saved costs: A study published in the journal "Telemedicine and e-Health" found that hospitals that used NeuroX telelocum neurology services saved an average of $1 million per year on the cost of staffing and travel. This resulted in a significant financial benefit for the hospitals.


These are just a few examples of how NeuroX telelocum neurology services can improve care matrices, reduce hospitalizations, improve clinical outcomes, and save costs. Suppose you are a hospital or healthcare facility looking to improve access to care, improve patient outcomes, and save costs. In that case, NeuroX telelocum neurology services may be a good option for you.

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