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Comprehensive and Cost-Effective Care for Accountable Care Organizations

Enhance ACO's efficiency and savings by partnering up with NeuroX for virtual neurology, psychiatry, and sleep care specialists and AI technology solutions, reducing costs, and improving patients' access and outcomes.

Challenges faced by ACOs


geographic  disparity 

Specialists from high-demand specialties like Neurology, Psychiatry, and Sleep Care may be concentrated in urban areas, leaving rural or underserved communities with limited access.


lack of interoperability

Effective coordination requires seamless communication and information sharing, and providers often use different electronic health records (EHRs) and communication platforms, hindering interoperability.


High Costs of Specialty Care

Specialty care services tend to be more expensive than primary care, contributing to increased overall healthcare costs.


of rural hospitals reported difficulty in recruiting and retaining specialists


of healthcare spending in the United States is linked to specialty care services


of ACOs reported that insufficient bandwidth or ACO resources to address specialist alignment was a top challenge.

*American Journal of Managed Care

 How NeuroX Helps Accountable Care Organizations


Access to Neuro, Psych and Sleep Specialists

Improve the continuous health and wellness of your residents with on-demand neurology, sleep, and psychiatry consultations, ensuring thorough and ongoing patient evaluations.


Customized Tele Clinics

NeuroX assists you in setting up and managing virtual clinics tailored to the specific needs of your patient population, ensuring accessible and high-quality care.


Reduce Cost of Care and Hospitalization

Reduce unnecessary ER Visits and hospital admissions, optimizing your ACO's financial performance while maintaining high standards of care.


Technology Systems

NeuroX also provides its state-of-the-art telemedicine system, which includes its platform, remote patient monitoring system, and telemedicine carts. Our system integrates with all existing systems providing a unified portal for better care delivery.  

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AI Diagnostic and Care Management Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enhancing patient engagement. Our AI-powered tools are designed to foster stronger connections between patients and healthcare providers, leading to improved clinical outcomes and heightened patient satisfaction.

NeuroX has been a game-changer for our ACO. Their telemedicine and in-patient services have improved access to specialized care, reduced wait times, and enhanced patient satisfaction. Their commitment to quality and patient-centered care is exceptional.

Julian Bundaberg


CareAlign, TX

Why Choose Us

NeuroX: Advanced Care, Simplified

We recognize the distinctive challenges that Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) encounter in delivering comprehensive, cost-effective healthcare. Our specialized services are meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure, guaranteeing that your patients receive the most advanced neurology care available.


By optimizing operational efficiency and minimizing administrative burdens, we empower your ACO to achieve exceptional outcomes while controlling costs.

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