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What Is Teleneurology?

Hospitals are packed with COVID outbreaks overrunning emergency rooms. Consequently, even healthcare’s most fragile patients are second-guessing going to the hospital in fear of catching life-threatening hospital-acquired diseases. 

Teleneurology tries to fix this problem by providing patients with a virtual interface to attend appointments with their neurologists from the safety of their homes. Teleneurology companies offer remote technologies like smart wearables which can track important vitals and provide secure virtual interfaces for online conferences where doctor-patient confidentiality is respected. 

By taking advantage of these remote technologies, teleneurologists can promptly evaluate patients meticulously and effectively.

How does Teleneurology Work?

Teleneurology, at its core, connects a patient with a remote neurologist (teleneurologist) through video conference software. Most established teleneurology companies can provide doctors with patient medical records like blood work, imaging results, lab reports, patient histories, diagnostic test results, and other important information. 

The abundant amount of information available allows teleneurologists to conduct virtual appointments identically to physical ones. In cases where the patient is very weak or unable to perform physical activity, the presence of a caretaker who can adjust the camera and assist the patient in listening to the doctor’s instructions is very beneficial. 

Teleneurology appointments are valuable for follow-up care for patients who need regular checkups and treatment. Virtual visits allow patients to meet with their doctors much more frequently and with a quicker notice than physical appointments. The patient can quickly communicate any change in their state to their doctor and can thus receive care immediately. Although best for follow-up care, teleneurology can be used for first-time consultations with the presence of a nurse on the patient’s end. Nurses can assist teleneurologists by performing physical tests like checking reflexes which the patient cannot do themselves. 

Teleneurology can be integrated into hospital operations. Even if specialists are not onsite, hospitals with telemedicine can reach them immediately. Thus, they can assist a large volume of patients who need specialist care in a very efficient and effective manner.

The Scope of Teleneurology

Teleneurology can be used to evaluate and treat almost any neurological problem in the emergency room. A typical headaches, seizures, Parkinson’s, stroke diagnosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and stroke care can easily be evaluated through teleneurology.

“Time is brain!”, coined by Dr. Camilo R. Gomez,  is one of the most important statements in neurology. Strokes need to be diagnosed as soon as possible so that treatment can be delivered promptly to reduce the chance of permanent brain damage. Thus, it is now common practice for emergency rooms to have teleneurologists quickly examine a patient remotely and offer a diagnosis so treatment can start immediately. 

It takes mere minutes for teleneurologists to diagnose strokes, and recommend administering life-saving medications such as tPA. This form of instant evaluation is even more important for hospitals in rural and remote settings where the presence of specialists is rare. Teleneurology, in such remote healthcare settings, bridges the gaps in healthcare access.

Outside of stroke care, neurologists can do video screens of patients to see if they require physical emergency room visits or not. This saves both the patient and the doctor valuable time. Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Dementia typically require very specialized care, but specialists are not present in every city. Through teleneurology, patients suffering from these ailments can get highly specialized care even when there are no specialists physically present in their city.

The Benefits of Teleneurology 

Teleneurology allows easy access to specialized care for anybody that would need it. It can even provide hospitals with remote specialists in case there is a lack of onsite specialists.

Immunocompromised patients accessibility

Immunocompromised patients are at high risk of contracting deadly hospital-acquired diseases. Thus, physical hospital visits can be very dangerous for such patients and should be kept at a minimum. Teleneurology allows these patients to receive care without needing to endanger themselves by regularly coming to the hospital. COVID-19 also presented a similar situation, and teleneurology was able to provide specialized attention to patients which would otherwise not have been able to get any care.

Patient privacy

Teleneurology software takes into account doctor-patient confidentiality and is also compliant with HIPAA. Thus, teleneurology provides a safe and trustworthy avenue to receive medical care from home where patient privacy is respected. 

Find the right Telecompany

Every modern emergency department requires telemedicine, especially teleneurology, integrated into its operations. With the right Telestroke technology, specialists can be brought online and given all the necessary information to form a diagnosis in a matter of minutes. If you are looking to upgrade your emergency department with the latest Telestroke technology, then NeuroX is the perfect platform for you. 

You can head over to NeuroX right now and select your Telestroke plan and equipment straight away. Obtaining state-of-the-art telehealth equipment and software for your clinic/hospital has never been simpler. 

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